Sunday, October 17, 2010

What are some angelic ab exercises i can do w/out doing sit-ups?

it kills my rear legs to lay on the floor. any ideas?What are some angelic ab exercises i can do w/out doing sit-ups?
Yeah, mine too.
I lift up a heavy solidity with both hand behind my lead up and down.
Or, if you want to do it and watch tv, you can lay on your side and lift up your top leg up and down over and over, while staying straight on the floor and holding in your abs.
yeah :)
Push ups really abet too if you do them right
there is a honourable ab workout where you support your bulk with your arms (usually you do this on an ab frame)
and raise your legs up and let them down again as masses reps as you can.
this exercise really works your abs yet your final is supported by gravity . the ab frame has arm and stern supports and a place to put your feet when you stop the leg lift. while you are doing the leg lifts your foot do not touch the foot rest. lots of gyms have the ab frame, or you can buy one, or probably find some materials and spawn one.
If you have a inn or tree limb to hang down from by your hands, next do the leg lifts ten (work up to ten sets of ten reps), it should minister to your abs, and you wouldn't need a gym or an ab frame.
to see a photo of an ab frame click on this cooperation
it might be helpful to try yoga stretches such as the "forward bending pose" and the "bow pose" to give a hand your back.
-stack boxes
-steal silver

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