Saturday, October 23, 2010

What can I do more or less my 'geographical' tongue?

I just not long found out that the reason my tongue sometimes have sores on it, seemly for no reason, is because of what is call a geographical tonge.
What can I do to keep from getting the sores? Is in that any way to hold it away permanently?What can I do more or less my 'geographical' tongue?
This is such an interesting condition! Dr. Douglas Hoffman be asked a similar question -- check out his response:
This is a medical query. Go to the doctor, who will examine you, explain your condition, and treat you. Never wait when something is wrong medically.
People w/ geographic tongues are unbelievably sensitive to citrus/acidy foods/drinks and spicy things. Avoid these things is it is sore. The geographic tongue is normally a ongoing deviation of normal. It is terribly common. My husband have it. Every once in a while it will be in motion away though. Basically, you have a sensitive tongue. Learn what foods/drinks set it past its sell-by date and avoid them. Also, alcohol (drinks or mouthrinse) can set it off. Geographic tongue is purely a different normal where on earth you have areas of you tongue w/ no papillae. These patch change though.

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