Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What cause dimples (in your cheeks)? Is it inherent?

What cause dimples (in your cheeks)? Is it inherent?
If you sport those charming creases on either side of your oral cavity every time you crack a smile, you have one little gene (and your parents, of course) to thank.
Each physical trait you possess is represented by a set of two of genes -- one each from mom and pop. This set of two can either be a combination of two dominant genes, one dominant and one recessive gene, or two recessive genes.
All you entail is one dominant gene to inherit a particular trait. Dimples, along beside other traits such as freckles, a widow's peak, a cleft chin, and yes, even bushy eyebrows, are passed along by a single dominant gene. If you own dimples, you have the dominant trait (D-). If you don't, you own the recessive (dd). It's that simple.
Try this fun exercise to get a better analysis of genetics and inheritance (plus you just might see what your adjectives children could look like). Who knows? If you enjoy a stray widow's peak or prominent chin floating around surrounded by your gene pool, your child just might hold a future surrounded by late-night TV.
Mango, Pineapple and lychees!
i don't know but i enjoy 7 in my cheeks! i abominate them.
This is a REALLY good grill but I dont the answer sorry!!
Yes just resembling hair colour and such resembling dimpls are passed down through generations. I adjectives my mothers charming dimples and so did my younger sister so i' m afraid to say i'm stuck next to them!
My little girl has get a dimple in her cheek (face, right!) only where my behind father had one. I regard that makes it genetic contained by her case anyway.
No pun intended---For those who can't stand dimples~~~>Dimples are cute!

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