Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What could it be and should I dance to the doctor?

I have a mesh or a lump under my arm contained by the armpit area, and it hurts. It generous of feels similar to it's bruised, but I don't see how it could be bruised. It hurts a little when I put on a pedestal my arm, and it kind of get a throbbing sensation when I touch it. What could it be? And should I go to the doctor? Could it be a swollen Lymph node?
Thanks within advance.What could it be and should I dance to the doctor?
yes it could be an inflamed lymph node, or infection. i would definately own it evaluated.
It could be a pimple under the skin or it could be worse resembling a melanoma or something else. i suggest you go see a doctor. Always better to stay on the side of watchfulness, and rememebr if the docs get it rong u can other sue for malpractice. :D
All the best, i suggest you act in a hurry.
yeah you should go to the doctor. it's better to be nontoxic than sorry.
It could be a boil, or something worse. It could also be a blocked sweat gland. Your best bet is to get it checked out by a Doctor, so they can run a few test, if needed. My friend had one and it turned out to be a boil, she used boil-ease, and it help, but they are very scratchy to the touch! Good luck!
It could be a swollen Lymph Node, ingrown hair or a bit infection from shaving. I think I'd afford it a little time, unless it really bothers you.

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