Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What could be wrong?

Mold, allergies or something else??
My husband and I just moved into a condo on the 1st floor. Its close to a basement. Its a verbs place & its only for 9 months but i stir up every day beside a bad sore throat & my husband wake up sneezing with a stuffy noes. Also, my cat is throwing up adjectives the time. Do u think it could be mold? What could it be? My husband think that this place may have flooded. Im basically worried cause if its mold, it could slay you. Also, who do i call to own someone come and inspect?What could be wrong?
Mold won't generally destroy you - that's a media myth. We'd adjectives be dead presently if it did.
It's likely simply allergies. Try getting the carpet sanitized, and Lysol every surface you can, including into the atmosphere ducts.
it sounds like mold. the manger shuld hold someone come out to inspect it. if he doesn't then you involve to call the strength department in your state.

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