Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What are the likelihood on me forgetting how to breath?

I am healthy and exersice (enough).What are the likelihood on me forgetting how to breath?
Your breathing is a voluntary muscle control (you can hold your breath if you want to for five seconds) as defiant an involuntary muscle (you can't make your blood vessel constrict or dilate for five seconds).
However, the part of the brain responsible for respiration is bit of the most basic brain functions, and the liklihood of it not functioning to brand name breathing happen, would turn out with key brain damage, spinal cord injury, or during a crucial seizure.
One interesting piece... a person can hold their breath until they go beyond out, and as soon as they become unconscious and lose the conscious voluntary skill to hold their breath, the brain takes over and the individual starts breathing again even while unconscious.
unless you have sudden brain ruin you will not forget to breathe.These are one of the things that your body does automatically and you are barely aware of it
No one forgets how to breath. if you're sound enough worries on forgetting how to breath.
You can't forget how, but you can become powerless to.

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