Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What cause your feeler to plug when your sick?

What cause your feeler to plug when your sick?
The old stuffy snout question. What happen is the mucous membranes in your sinuses surrounded by your head draw from inflamed in response to the pathogen/allergen. This is kicked sour by certain types of white blood cell releasing chemicals in response to the invasion. Then other white blood cell respond by rushing to the area and attacking the invaders. The swelling also help to contain the invader to that area; not allowing it to spread to other tissues.
With the mucous membranes swollen, nouns cannot pass through your sinuses as confidently as it normally does.
yeah, what the Doc said - the tissues inside your sinuses become inflamed which closes them sour to breathing any more allergens/irritants through them. It's part of the body's automatic response to box off sickness, etc.

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