Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WHat CAn I Do to sToP..?

I have an eye twitch and it drives me crazy i don't ponder i can live with it any more i hold bad nerves how can i stop it!?!WHat CAn I Do to sToP..?
is your eye twitching adjectives the time or just persuaded times? If it is caused by stress, try to find a course to de-stress yourself naturally, afterwards avoid the stressful situations that get your eye twitching, or cram to handle them.
If it does it adjectives the time, you might have a neurological disorder and you should consult your dr. ASAP!
There's support out there!
travel to dollar tree, get a relaxation cd, bubbles, a butterfly web, kite, and a pretty picture. Listen to the cd as you blow bubbles, and catch some pretty butterflies. : )
Yes, it is cause by stress I have it too. Nothing you can do almost it. Just destress.
Have your doctor refer you to a neurologist for testing. You may own a MEDICAL CONDITION that could (and should!) be taken care of.
Do not skulk. Call your doctor about this today!!
Eye twitching can be cause by various ailments, by stress, or by nought at all.
Do you wear goggles or contacts? If not, maybe you should? If so, I don`t know they're not strong enough.
Before seeing a medical doctor, I recommend you see an eye doctor. After all, if you do seriously of working with computers (and plentiful of us do), you probably need some type of corrective procedure.
If everything's ok beside your eyesight, you should speak with your house physician. Don't panic, though. It could motivation more stress and worsen your condition.
Be well.

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